There are other emulators that run console machines. Originally authored by Nicolas Salmoria in 1997. MAME: Multiple Arcade Machine Emulator.Thursday, 3 04:09:51 GMT Here you can request ROM sets on either hard drive or DVD-R discs to use with the Multiple Arcade Machine Emulator (MAME™), the great arcade-game emulation software, as well as sets for other console and computer game systems.MAME, which stands for Multiple Arcade Machine Emulator was originally developed solely for MS-DOS. MAME is an open-source game emulator created to transfer arcade games in the software system of personal computers, developed by an Italian programmer Nicola Salmoria in the year 1997. The reason for this is that arcade ROMs tend to consist of multiple files. MAME handles ROMs a little different in that you do not have to unzip every individual game.